Conhecimento científico

A MUBi em conjunto com o grupo de investigação BEAM – Built Environment and Mobility da Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade de Lisboa promove uma rubrica de divulgação de conhecimento científico sobre bicicletas, mobilidade activa, ambiente construído e outros temas relacionados com a promoção da mobilidade sustentável. A rubrica pode ser acompanhada mensalmente através da Newsletter MUBi, tendo esta página como repositório da bibliografia.

Lista de referências (recentemente divulgadas primeiro):

  • Van Eenoo, E., & Boussauw, K. (2023). “That’s not feasible without a car”: An exploration of car-dependent practices. Transport Policy, 144, 1–10.
  • Valença, G., Moura, F., & Morais De Sá, A. (2023). Where is it complex to reallocate road space? Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 23998083231217770.
  • Humberto, M., Félix, R., & Moura, F. (2023). How equal is accessibility to cycling infrastructure? A ranking to compare territories in Lisbon, Portugal. Transportation Research Procedia, 72, 2472–2478.
  • Carvalho, M. V., Noriega, P., Vale, D., & Rebelo, F. (2023). Intersection Roadway Marking Design: Effects Over Cyclist’s Safety Perception. In V. G. Duffy, H. Krömker, N. A. Streitz, & S. Konomi (Eds.), HCI International 2023 – Late Breaking Papers (pp. 237–247). Springer Nature Switzerland.
  • Hardinghaus, M., & Weschke, J. (2022). Attractive infrastructure for everyone? Different preferences for route characteristics among cyclists. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 111, 103465.
  • Cox, P. (2023). Cycling Activism: Bike Politics and Social Movements (1st edition). Routledge.
  • Akcicek, Cemal, Zack Aemmer, K. Shankari, and Andrew Duvall. “Freewheeling: What Six Locations, 61,000 Trips, and 242,000 Miles in Colorado Reveal About How E-Bikes Improve Mobility Options.” National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, CO (United States), June 22, 2023.
  • Lopes, A. S., Orozco-Fontalvo, M., Moura, F., & Vale, D. (2023). Mobility as a service and socio-territorial inequalities: A systematic literature review. Journal of Transport and Land Use, 16(1), Article 1.
  • Delbosc, A., Naznin, F., Haslam, N., & Haworth, N. (2019). Dehumanization of cyclists predicts self-reported aggressive behaviour toward them: A pilot study. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 62, 681–689.
  • Pearson, L., Reeder, S., Gabbe, B., & Beck, B. (2023). What a girl wants: A mixed-methods study of gender differences in the barriers to and enablers of riding a bike in Australia. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 94, 453–465.
  • McAslan, D., & Sprei, F. (2023). Minimum parking requirements and car ownership: An analysis of Swedish municipalities. Transport Policy, 135, 45–58.
  • Willberg, E., Poom, A., Helle, J., & Toivonen, T. (2023). Cyclists’ exposure to air pollution, noise, and greenery: A population-level spatial analysis approach. International Journal of Health Geographics, 22(1), 5.
  • Zhao, Q., & Manaugh, K. (2023). Introducing a Framework for Cycling Investment Prioritization. Transportation Research Record, 03611981231152241.
  • Pearson, L., Gabbe, B., Reeder, S., & Beck, B. (2023). Barriers and enablers of bike riding for transport and recreational purposes in Australia. Journal of Transport & Health, 28, 101538.
  • Minnich, A. (2023). Gamification in the transport sector: Quasi-experimental evidence from a bicycle navigation app. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 167, 103552.
  • de Haas, M., Kroesen, M., Chorus, C., Hoogendoorn-Lanser, S., & Hoogendoorn, S. (2022). E-bike user groups and substitution effects: Evidence from longitudinal travel data in the Netherlands. Transportation, 49(3), 815–840.
  • Kellstedt, D. K., Spengler, J. O., Foster, M., Lee, C., & Maddock, J. E. (2021). A Scoping Review of Bikeability Assessment Methods. Journal of Community Health, 46(1), 211–224.
  • Pearson, L., Berkovic, D., Reeder, S., Gabbe, B., & Beck, B. (2022). Adults’ self-reported barriers and enablers to riding a bike for transport: A systematic review. Transport Reviews, 0(0), 1–29.
  • ITF. (2022). Streets That Fit: Re-allocating Space for Better Cities (Text No. 100; International Transport Forum Policy Papers). OECD Publishing.
  • Padeiro, M. (2022). Cycling infrastructures and equity: An examination of bike lanes and bike sharing system in Lisbon, Portugal. Cities & Health, 0(0), 1–15.
  • Goel, R., Goodman, A., Aldred, R., Nakamura, R., Tatah, L., Garcia, L. M. T., Zapata-Diomedi, B., de Sa, T. H., Tiwari, G., de Nazelle, A., Tainio, M., Buehler, R., Götschi, T., & Woodcock, J. (2022). Cycling behaviour in 17 countries across 6 continents: Levels of cycling, who cycles, for what purpose, and how far? Transport Reviews, 42(1), 58–81.
  • Kuss, P., & Nicholas, K. A. (2022). A dozen effective interventions to reduce car use in European cities: Lessons learned from a meta-analysis and transition management. Case Studies on Transport Policy, 10(3), 1494–1513.
  • Vidal Tortosa, E., Lovelace, R., Heinen, E., & Mann, R. P. (2021). Cycling behaviour and socioeconomic disadvantage: An investigation based on the English National Travel Survey. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 152, 173–185.
  • Philips, I., Anable, J., & Chatterton, T. (2022). E-bikes and their capability to reduce car CO2 emissions. Transport Policy, 116, 11–23.
  • Anagnostopoulos, A. (2021). The Rise of Run-Commuting as a Form of Transportation: Research on the Characteristics and Spatial Needs of These Trips. In E. G. Nathanail, G. Adamos, & I. Karakikes (Eds.), Advances in Mobility-as-a-Service Systems (pp. 684–693). Springer International Publishing.
  • Harris, M. A., & Crone, D. (2021). Using gamification to encourage active travel. Journal of Transport & Health, 23, 101275.
  • Doğru, O. C., Webb, T. L., & Norman, P. (2021). What is the best way to promote cycling? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 81, 144–157.
  • Gelb, J., & Apparicio, P. (2021). Cyclists’ exposure to atmospheric and noise pollution: A systematic literature review. Transport Reviews, 41(6), 742–765.
  • Vale, D. S. (2021). Chapter 8 – Active accessibility and transit-oriented development: Connecting two sides of the same coin. In C. Mulley & J. D. Nelson (Eds.), Urban Form and Accessibility (pp. 123–140). Elsevier.
  • Bieliński, T., Kwapisz, A., & Ważna, A. (2021). Electric bike-sharing services mode substitution for driving, public transit, and cycling. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 96, 102883.
  • Bruntlett, C., & Bruntlett, M. (2021). Curbing Traffic: The Human Case For Fewer Cars In Our Lives. Island Press.

Reveja ainda referências relevantes publicadas anteriormente aqui.


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